Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jason Seed Stringtet

I was sent this album not long ago and have given it several listens. And then when I was done I had to give it several more.

The Jason Seed Stringtet has put out a collection of music that is really quite remarkable. Throughout the album you get everything from a Piazzolla-esque tango to some bluesy grooves to some Edgar Meyer-like virtuosity. All packed into some exquisitely crafted compositions.

The ensemble itself is remarkable. Guitar, Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass in various quartet combinations throughout the album. The guitar adds such a great color it changes that traditional string ensemble sound into something far more dynamic. It is obvious to me that each of these players can soar through the music with great ease and filled with the joy of playing and you can't help but follow. They take you on such a journey and when you arrive at the destination you can't wait until you can travel with them again.

This album is prime example of what one can do with great compositions and fantastic players. I have not been able to take out of my stereo for some time.

I highly recommend.